Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Preschool Makeup Day!

Last week Kate's preschool teacher had to cancel school one day because she was sick. A couple of days later I got an e-mail saying she would hold a makeup day the following Friday. I asked Kate if she wanted to go to the makeup day and she was all excited and said yes.

Yesterday as she was getting ready for us to leave, she looked at me and said "I am so excited, today Miss Tami is going to do my makeup" ( as she was rubbing her face gently like she was brushing on blush). I looked at her and just started laughing.

I said "no, honey, that is not what I meant, Miss Tami is having a day where you can go to preschool because you missed a day when she was sick." " You are not going to have your makeup done."

Later when her dad was asking her about it, he asked what the boys were going to do while the girls got makeup and she said the boys were not going to come. This is one of my favorite Kate stories, I was telling my mom and dad about it and I was laughing so hard I was crying.

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