Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I am thankful for so many things: family, friends, health, and so much more. Not to say we haven't had trials this year- we have and do- but I know that Bryan and I will get through them stronger. Thanksgiving makes you think of all the things you do have to be thankful for and that, I can say, is plenty. Thanksgiving is a great day to spend with family, relax a little and reflect on all our blessing.

We have had a fun day of family, delicious food and great company. Tonight some our good friends are coming over to visit, play games and eat some more dessert. What else could you ask for on Thanksgiving.? Hope you all had a great day! You all are a blessing in my life and I am thankful for all of you.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hello out there!!

Sorry, I have kind of been out of the blog loop for a few weeks.. Life is busy and I just haven't felt like blogging in a while. I have missed out on taking some great photos of Alex playing flag football and my two little ones playing everything.

Kate's still being a bossy, girly girl. She got a very old Barbie from me and a gently used Barbie Castle and Cinderella Barbie carriage from her cousin Nicole. Lets just say it consumed her for close to a week and you seriously could have passed it off for Christmas!

Nicklas is way into playing with friends.. He loves to play with his friends Caleb and Rhett. Almost daily we have to make the calls to find a playmate. The nice thing is that at five, it requires very little parent intervention- they play fabulous together. Of course I must admit that Nick, Kate and Caleb decided to drink sand water that had been sitting in the sand box for close to a week. Luckily for me- no one has gotten sick yet. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Alex is just busy with school, cub scouts and friends. He is doing great in school. He loves scouts and he also likes to play with his friends on a daily basis.