Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Story of a Mexican Postcard!!

Yesterday, the kids received a postcard. It was a beautiful postcard of an arch on a beach in Cabo San Lucas. You may ask who sent it.? Can you believe Bryan and I sent it to the kids from Mexico- When did we go to Mexico you may ask? We had a great trip there in early November- yes, early November. That nice little postcard must have quite the tale to tell, for it took seven weeks for it to arrive at our home. We mailed it approximately Nov. 9th or 10th and it wasn't even postmarked at the post office in Mexico until Dec. 1st. We had given up on even receiving it a couple of weeks ago, Yet it finally made it. What a long journey that little postcard had. I would highly recommend just bringing the postcard home with you!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Kate the Mannequin!!

Today Kate and I made a quick trip to Old Navy to make a return. Upon leaving the store Kate disappeared and I was walking around the front of the store looking for her. I was calling her name and looking about- suddenly I spotted her! She had climbed up on the little platform they have the mannequins on and was pretending to be a mannequin. She had one hand on the fake dog and was holding very still with the cutest expression on her face (she is such a poser)... She wouldn't even respond to me she was so in character. I laughed so hard. It totally made my day.