Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Adventures with Kate #4

While we were saying prayers a few nights ago this is what transpired:

Kate was saying the prayer and I was helping her with what to say.

Kate: Dear Heavenly Father.

Mom: Thank you for our many blessings.

Kate: Thanks for our blessings.

Mom: Bless us we will sleep well.

Kate: Bless we will sleep well.

Mom: Bless me(Meaning Kate) I will stay in my bed.

Kate: Bless mommy and daddy they will stay in their bed.

Very funny- huh! She is just too smart for her own good. She looked at me and knew exactly what I meant and yet she had to be a smarty pants and change it around.. This girl is going to cause me much grief--- I can already tell. Thank heavens for all the laughs she provides as well.