Monday, December 22, 2008

My Top Ten List- Why I Love Christmas

10. Wrapping Presents.. Kind of pathetic I know, but I actually like to wrap presents. I love how pretty they look in the end.

9. Christmas Cards...I love getting Christmas cards every day..I especially love ones with photos. I love to see every ones adorable families.

8. The Church Christmas Program... Every year it is wonderful. If you are not yet in the holiday spirit - you leave with the spirit overflowing.

7. Classic Christmas Specials... I love watching all the cute Christmas specials I watched as a kid with my children. It brings back so many memories of when I was a little girl.

6. My kids excitement for Santa... There is something so sweet and pure about my little ones excitement for Santa to come... Nick says something about it almost every single day- it is priceless.

5. Roberts' Family Party... Every year on the 23rd or 24th we have Bryan's family party- It is always loads of fun.. We have dinner. We play games.. Laugh way to hard and Santa ( Bryan's dad) always makes an appearance with a few gifts for the kids.

4. Christmas lights, decorations and music... I absolutely love Christmas decorations, they are beautiful. My favorites are the lights and nativity scenes. Christmas music is so beautiful. I love listening to it and singing along (scary with my voice). The Christmas Hymns are my favorites.

3. Christmas Stories about Our Savior, Jesus Christ... I love reading stories to my children that teach about the true meaning of Christmas. I hope they will remember to try to be like Jesus.

2. Grandparents... I am so grateful that Bryan and I both have parents that like to come over early on Christmas morning and watch the kids open their gifts and help us with any assembling that may be required. It is very special to have them come share in the excitement and fun, and start the day off with gratitude for family.

1. Watching my kids open their presents Christmas morning.... Santa spends a great deal of time getting just the right gifts for everyone and I love watching my kids reactions when they open them.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I am reading!!

Yesterday morning as we were driving Alex to school, Kate was looking through her "Barbie and the Diamond Castle" book. Alex was trying to tell her she missed a page, I quickly reminded him she was only two and it didn't matter.
Kate began to read " Once upon a time...."
Alex says, "Kate, you are in the middle of the book."
To which Kate responds, "I'm two, Leave me alone!"

Delicious Cake!

Sunday evening we were going to Bryan's sisters house for her birthday. We had picked up her cake from Sam's Club the night before and Kate wanted a piece so bad. Bryan told the kids to get their shoes on because it was time to go to aunt Brenda's.
Kate looked at Bryan and said, " yeah! And eat the delicious cake!"

It was priceless!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Adventures with Kate Part 1

One week ago in nursery (at church) Kate had a little run in with one of the leaders. Kate has an issue with climbing, ( she climbs all over, worse than the boys ever did- go figure) and was doing so in nursery. Ryan, one of the nursery leaders, had asked Kate to stop several times.
Finally, Ryan said, " Kate, if you don't stop being naughty I am going to have to tell your mommy and daddy!" To which Kate said, "You stop being naughty or I am going to tell your mommy and daddy!" I got to say that girl is getting a little to much spunk in her. She is definitely going to be strong willed - of that I am certain.

Precious Little Girls!!!

" I'm a bad guy!"

Kate trying in the Barbie Cinderella slippers!


Kate's pretty painted toenails!
"They are beautiful mommy!"