Monday, May 10, 2010

Jam Glorious Jam!!

I know! I know! You are all thinking I am crazy blogging about my jam, but I have to because I absolutely love it. Believe me- once you can your own jam you can never return to the horrible jam they sell at the store, there is absolutely no comparison. I am grateful to have a wonderful canning friend (along with our two wonderful husbands, who so willingly assist) who makes it so much fun. Thanks Michele!!
This year we canned an obscene amount of jam- over 60 jars, but I needed to make enough to supply my sweet mom and dad with a years supply also. Yes, they absolutely love it also and it is my own fault for getting them hooked on it in the first place. My mom likes to tease me about how domestic I am compared to her (Cooking and canning not her thing) , but it is because of her I am willing to try new things that at first seem difficult but then turn out to be fun and rewarding all at once. So thanks mom!
I enjoy my jam almost daily with my fix of peanut butter and enjoy the little reminder of childhood it gives me. So cheers to homemade jam- it is the very best!


Stephanie said...

I love that you blog about jam!

Jenny said...

I agree. There is nothing like homemade jam. I understand your joy. I love to look at jars of stuff on my counter and just think about how pretty and wonderful they are! You are perfectly normal or I am really odd! I would like to think we are normal:).

Julie Jones said...

Amy you are so cute! By the way, that jam would make an awesome neighboor gift for Christmas!

Jana said...

I think getting excited over jam is perfectly understandable.Anyone who has ever put in the time and effort it takes to do canning will totally relate! I love to see the finished product all lined up neatly in my food storage.. AHH just thinking about it gives me goose bumps!