Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!!

What a fun day it has been so far. We all got to go to the Halloween Parade at the elementary school. Then Grandma Evie babysat Nick and Kate while I got to go help with Alex's class Halloween party. They ate Nachos, made spider cookies and played fun games like Bingo, I Spy and Pumpkin Bucket toss.
Later Aunt Emilie came over with the cousins and we took some cute pictures. It has been a load of fun so far. Tonight we are looking forward to our chili dinner with grandma and grandpa, a little trick or treating ( my kids last about 30 min. ) and then we are going to watch a movie- "Nightmare before Christmas".
My little Pumpkin, cute Ninja and cool Football Player.

All the cousins getting a photo together.
Nick, Jordan, Preston, Alex, Kate, Hayden and Max.

Alex's School Party: ( What a bunch of great 3rd graders, The kids were all so good- I was really impressed.)

The kids with their carved pumpkins.

Happy Halloween!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

I Love Fall!

Precious and Priceless!!
This one is my Favorite.

This is towards the end and Kate was very disinterested by now!

Handsome Alex.

Cheesy & cute Nick!

Hamming it up!

I absolutely love, love, love fall. It is probably my favorite season. I love the leaves changing all those beautiful colors, I love the pleasant weather, I love fall decorations. I just love just about everything about fall.
So I decided to take my cute kids over to Gardner Village for some cute fall photos. We enjoyed walking around looking at all the fun witches decorating the place and got some real fun pictures in the beautiful fall colors. My kids were cracking me up. Nick and Alex were trying to help out with Kate, but Kate really does have a mind of her own. She only cooperates when she wants to and no one can make her do anything. Despite her stubbornness I got some adorable shots of all of them. I am so grateful for each one of them and the different blessings they add to our family. I love fall and I LOVE my sweet children.

Firestation Field Trip

Nicklas' preschool went on a field trip to the Fire Station this week and Kate and I went along. It was so much fun. We got to see a firefighter with all his firefighting gear on and we even got to take a short ride in the fire engine. Kate, Nick and I had a wonderful time and I'm glad we had the opportunity to go.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Soccer Season!!

This fall Alex decided to dump Karate and try something new. He played organized soccer for the first time, and I have to say he loved it. He was such a hard worker when he played and always seemed to have fun. I am so proud of him for that. You always want your kids to be involved in things they love and for Alex that is not hard, the hard part is keeping the passion for it there. I am just so glad he had a great time, played for a great coach, and found something he likes to work hard at. Way to go Alex!!

Thanks!! Grandma and Grandpa

This is a quick little shout out to my fabulous folks. My parents have been the best this last week and I just didn't want the opportunity to pass without me thanking them for all they do for me and my family. Thursday, my mom graciously took my sister and I and all our kids to the zoo. The kids had a great time and the adults were good and tired by the end. Friday, my mom came and babysat while I went to lunch with some girlfriends and then she came back that evening and babysat-had a movie night with my kids while Bryan and I went to dinner with the fabulous women I serve with in Young Womens.
To top all this off, my mom and dad met us at Murray Park Sunday afternoon and my dad took some family photos for us. I just want to say " Thanks for being the best, Mom and Dad. I love and appreciate you so very much."

U of U Football

Bryan, Alex and I had a fabulous time Saturday afternoon at the University of Utah Football game, much thanks to our great brother in law who gave us three of his season tickets. Alex absolutely loves sports and he loves to go to games, so what a great opportunity this was for Bryan and I to get to spend a little one on one time with him. Of course it doesn't hurt that the Ute's whipped Colorado State or that we had totally awesome seats on the 45 yard line about 10 rows up or that the weather was wonderful. We had a wonderful time and I am very glad I got to spend some time with two of my favorite guys.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's All About Pink!!!

So I don't think it is possible to be any more girly than Kate is. She has been cracking me up this week so I just had to share.

First off, yesterday my mom, Kate and I had a girls day. We went to lunch and then we went to our favorite jeweler and had my rings cleaned and my mom had to get her ridiculously small size 4 1/2 wedding ring resized (after 36 years of marriage). While we are at the jewelry store Kate saw a ring with a very large and pretty pink stone on it and decided she would tell her daddy to go buy it for her. Ha..Ha.. Ha. But is that so funny or what.

Secondly, we are outside last night while Nick and Kate were riding scooters. As Kate is riding her scooter she sees a little neighbor girl on her bike. Kate stop, yells across the street a cute "Hi" and then yells again "You have a pretty bike". The bike of course was pink and I laughed my head off. I think Kate thinks if it is pink, it is pretty.

Last but not least, today Kate earned a little pink and purple Hello Kitty notepad for her potty training successes. Shortly after I gave it to her she said to me in her little voice, "It's so pretty, it pink". It was simply priceless. Who would have guessed a cheap little potty prize could bring so much joy to a sweet girly girl.