Friday, May 23, 2008

Our Mountain Adventure

On Sunday afternoon we decided to go up to Wasatch State Park for a picnic and some fishing. It is a favorite summer afternoon activity of our family ( especially Bryan ). For those of you that have never been up there - it is in Midway and it is rather beautiful. We invited Bryan's dad, Max and our neighbors the Lindsay's ( just Pat and Gabe could make it).

We had a great time fishing, feeding the ducks, hunting golf balls and watching the kids play.

Kate is quite the funny when she fishes. She can barely hold up the fishing pole but she freaks out if anyone tries to help her. Here she is with her first fish ever (thanks to a lot of help from dad). She sure thought it was fabulous though.

Nicklas fished for a little bit, but was a little bothered by the fact that he can't throw the line out on his own. After getting frustrated by the whole thing he gave up about 10 minutes later. That's O.K though- Alex never even fished that day.

Here is Gabe, he caught a pretty good one. He was having a great time fishing and by far had the most patience for it. Way to go Gabe!!

Here are the boys playing some Frisbee golf.. They had a blast and Alex and Gabe tied. They were all quite good at it and it was really funny to watch them play.

Kate had some fun running around
on the playground. She is a little to
fearless I'm afraid to say but boy is she
a cutie. I guess she'll be keeping me
mighty busy for the next few years.

About 5:00 we all decided it was time to head home and that was when the real adventure began. We got stuck on I-80 just past Park City in a horrible traffic mess. There were about 10 semi's pulled off to the side and traffic was not moving. Bryan decided we should just turn around and go back toward Midway and head down Provo Canyon. Pat decided to stick it out on I-80. Unfortunately when we got to Provo Canyon an police officer was there turning everyone back around. Needless to say we were a little distraught. ( Later we found out there were 2 horrible accidents in both canyons and boy were they causing some traffic woos for travelers) With a little direction from Pat we were eventually able to get past the traffic on I-80 and get home at 8:15. And to make matters worse poor, sweet little Kate got car sick and threw up on herself coming down the Parleys. It was quite an adventure to say the least but at least we had a wonderful few hours up in the mountains.


Julie Jones said...

I love that valley, it is so beautiful and what cute photos!

The May Family said...

Traffic is so stupid! I have had to sit in some pretty nasty accidents in the last year. I am glad you guys made it safe and had fun in Wasatch.

michele84084 said...

What a bunch of cuties! I'm bummed I missed the park but not the traffic! Bryan is the fishing KING! Look at all his accesories- he means business.

Gabe had a blast. Thanks again for the invite!