Friday, May 9, 2008

Girlfriends Rock

I had a wonderful girlfriend night on Wednesday. My friend Michelle and I went furniture shopping and out to dinner and had a marvelous time. Girls nights are the best, there is nothing better than a little girl talk and enjoying a good meal together. I feel very blessed and fortunate to have such fun and caring girlfriends. They make me a better person.
I have only in the last couple of years learned to appreciate just girl time. I love my husband dearly and would normally be just as happy spending time alone with him as with anyone, but lately I have come to truly love my girlfriend time. One, you have to have the right girlfriends, which I can say I most certainly have. Second, you have to make time to get together with the girls on a somewhat regular basis. Lastly, if you can accomplish both these things girlfriend nights rock.
I am definitely grateful to have my girlfriends and I love having a little girl time to look forward to every once and a while. Girlfriends are the best!!!


michele84084 said...

Right on, sista!! Girlfriends are awesome- especially when you are one of them!

Marianne said...

We need to have a rockin' girls night here soon. Would you be up for the condo?
Oh, and thanks for your friendship! I'm grateful to have friends like you!