So I happen to be very amazed at my homemaking skills at times. A few years ago a dear neighbor taught me how to can salsa that I absolutely love. Last night, my dear friend and neighbor Michele taught me how to can peaches. It was so fun and now I have all these lovely jars of peaches to show for it. It always makes me very happy to have something so pretty to show for the work (I must say it wasn't to much work- but hey that makes it even better) and to know that my kids are going to really enjoy them. In a week or two I will share my picture of the salsa.
Thanks Michele- you are an awesome friend.
I love the new blog look and what a handsome header! The color scheme matches the peaches!
That reminds me of when I was little, we always had canned peaches. They are the best!
I love canned peaches. Yum!
Oh man, just canned 28 jars of peach slices and 14 jars of peach jam yesterday. I am peached out! It sure feels good though to see the jars all done and lined up. I always worry though wondering "Did the jars seal right? Am I going to get botulism?" I'm a freak. Good job on your first time canning experience.
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