We went camping last Friday and Saturday with some Bryan's family at Wasatch State Park. It was quite an adventure to say the very least. First, I am not much of a camper if you can believe that (HA, HA). This was Kate's first time camping and it was all she could talk about all week. She was invited to stay at a cousins while we went and Kate said, "No, Me go camping." We got up there on Friday night, set up camp and roasted some hot dogs. After our little ones went to bed, we had a great time laughing around the campfire. The only draw back to the first evening was the very limited amount of sleep most of us got. Unfortunately, we had a few inconsiderate campers close to us, they decided to sing into the early morning hours. ( pretty sure they had a little alcohol in them). Luckily our kids slept well.
The cutest thing was Saturday morning. Kate was sleeping between Bryan and I, the boys had woken up and were putting on there clothes when Kate woke up. She looked around and then with a huge smile said " Good morning !" We all just started laughing. We had a fun time over by the pond with Bryan's sisters family and my in-laws until around lunch when they headed for home.
Bryan and I took our kids over to Strawberry Reservoir where they had the Salmon spawning and our kids thought that was pretty awesome. Saturday night we went to the park amphitheatre for the Insect show and Alex got to dress up as an insect ( sorry, didn't have my camera with me, bad mom). Sunday morning we packed up and drove over to Cascade Springs- took the little hike and then drove home through Provo Canyon. All in all I must say it was a successful camp trip.

Grandpa, Bryan and Kate

At Strawberry Reservoir looking at the Salmon.

The Salmon. (Kate called them the Pink Fish)

Alex and I!

Alex and Nicklas being goofy.

Kate and her precious pink ball Alex found and gave her.

Feeding the duck.

Kate tried to feed them out of her hand. (not a great idea)

Golf ball hunting. ( A favorite activity at Wasatch)

The kids and I at Cascade Springs.
I had no idea that Salmon spawned at Strawberry. Cool picture of it. You're daughter is a hoot.
Fun! Fun! Fun! Don't you love the morning snuggles on camping trips?
How fun!!
It looks like you guys had a great time! I love your background!
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