Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Three Blessings

As I begin the world of blogging I thought I would reflect on my children and what true blessings they are.

Alex is my oldest, my first born, my best buddy. He loves everyone and makes friends with the greatest of ease. He is a blessing to our family in so many ways. He loves his brother and sister. He tries to be an example to both of them and for that I am so proud of him. He is smart and tries hard at anything he chooses to do.

Nicklas is a typical middle child I believe. He can be so loving and then so difficult all in the same minute. He is adorable and talks so cute, and of course because he is four he knows everything. I love my time alone with him when I can make him feel special. I know he loves it to, because he is always good when we are alone. He loves to play and has a wonderful imagination. He is a fun and loving little guy.

Kate is my sweet, lovable girl. She has a smile to light up the room and, like Alex, seems to love everyone. I adore her because what mom doesn't want a little girl in her life to love and cuddle with. I have a feeling though that she may be a tomboy with her brothers spurring her on. She is adored by her brothers and they know she adores them also.

I am not always so sure I was meant to be a mom, I am short on all the things that make moms great, like patience, and a love of messiness. Not me. I do know that I would not trade being a mother for anything and with any luck and a little guidance I can only pray my kids will turn out O.K.


Whitney said...

Yeah!!! I am so happy you started a blog. Trust me... it gets addictive, especially with 3 adorable children to blog about. I love you guys so much!!! -Whitney

Aimee said...

Amy, You are a great mom! I think all of us are still trying to work on that patience thing!!

michele84084 said...

Hey friend!! I love it! And you are great and your kids are fabulous.