Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Kate and her Adventures

The last couple of days have brought quite some adventures with Kate. She is getting into everything lately.

Yesterday morning as I was getting ready for the day Kate went into the boys old bedroom, which will soon be my scrapbook room, and shut the door. While in there she got into my ink pads and stamps. A couple of the ink pads are sticks and she proceeded to put it on like lipstick.. It was very lovely- green and yellow. Unfortunately for all of us I failed to take a picture due to the fact I was more worried about cleaning it up off of her and the carpet. Never the less it was a very funny incident. And boy did she pull a great pouty face when I came in and she knew she did something wrong.

The other funny incident happened day before yesterday. Kate climbed up on the bathroom counter when no one was around and decided to do her own hair. When I found her she had managed to put what looked like about a half cup of gel in her hair. ( Just a reminder Kate's hair is rather fine.) Because we were just leaving to go run a couple errands while Nick was at preschool I quickly blew it dry and curled up the ends.. She looked adorable aside from the fact her hair looked like a grease mop. By the end of the day it was rather crusty also. Again I failed to get a photo of it but I won't forget it next time.

1 comment:

michele84084 said...

She is too cute! I would have paid money to see the green-ink lipstick!