Monday, May 24, 2010

My Sweet Daughter!

I had one of the sweetest conversations ever with my precious Kate the other night, I decided immediately that I must write it down so I would never forget it.

The conversation began as I was getting Kate out of the bath and continued as we got her ready for bed!

Kate: "One day I won't live her with you! Huh!"

Mom: "No. When you grow up you'll have your own home, and so will Nick and Alex."

Kate: "I'm going to miss you because I really, really, really, love you!"

Mom: " And I really love you. I'm going to miss you too, but I can visit you and you can visit me. And when you have babies I'll come over and help you!"

Kate: (with the happiest face ever) "I'm going to have babies?"

Mom: " If you want to!"

Kate: "Maybe I can live by you, like Mya use to live by me." (Mya is her friend that lived next door)

Mom: " That would be nice!"

Kate: "Maybe on Sundays we could bring cake over."

Mom: "Yes. And maybe you could invite me to dinner like we do Grandma and Grandpa."

Kate: "And you can make dinner for me."

Mom: "That would be nice too!."

All during this exchange Kate jumped onto my lap at least two or three times and threw her arms around my neck, gave me her very best Kate hug and said, "I really, really, really, love you!"

Its moments like these that remind me why I LOVE being a mother. It also reminds me that being a mother really is the best job in the whole wide world.


Terry said...

THAT is adorable! And you are an awesome Mom. :)

Kimberly said...

Awww, that is one of those moments that stays with you. PRECIOUS.

Julie Jones said...

I sooooo miss that age!