1. Kate holding my face in her hands and saying, "Mommy, you are beautiful!"
2. Nicklas drawing me picture after picture which continually fill my scrapbook room. He is a wonderful little artist and I love all the beautiful pictures he gives me.
3. Alex and I sharing an all knowing look together when Kate does something extremely cute.
4. Anytime my kids miss me. Being a stay at home mom this does not happen nearly enough- but when it does it melts my heart.
5. Kate when she says "Mommy?"
I say, "What?"
Kate says, "I love you!"
To which I must say, "I love you too!"
This sometimes happens close to 50 times a day.. She will say it constantly in the car and
I love it!
6. Nicklas when he comes up and hugs my leg and says, "I just wanted to hug you!" This happens a lot also - sometimes a dozen times in one day. Just another great benefit of being a mom.
7. Alex when he plays with Nick or Kate. This really doesn't happen a lot because Alex is way more about his friends than his family currently, but when it does it is very precious to watch. He will try to help them and teach them stuff and it is fabulous.
First, I love that picture of your kids and second, I miss you guys. It still hasn't really set in that I am gone, but I am sure the next time you all get together and I am not there is going to be crappy for me. I love you guys. Tell everyone hi for me.
That was fabulous to read reminders for another stay at home mom =)
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