Monday, April 28, 2008

Nick's T-Ball

Nick had his first T-Ball game on Saturday and it was so funny. I completely forgot just how fun it is to watch little kids ( ages mostly 3-4) chase the ball. They all stand in a semi circle in the in field and once the ball has been hit they all run to it but don't know what to do with it once they have it. Many of the kids aren't even sure where to run after they hit the ball- we saw quite a few run straight for second base. One of the cute boys on the other team actually hit the ball off the tee about 1 foot, and then proceeded to pick it up and throw it out a little further while about 7 kids were running towards him to get the ball. I laughed so hard. It was about the cutest thing I saw all week and boy did I need a good laugh. Those little kids sure love it though. Nick kept asking all day when his game was and when his Aunt Debra was coming to see him. Nick did a great job hitting off the tee and we all enjoyed watching him. You should have seen how proud he was after the game. I loved it......

Friday, April 18, 2008

Lila the Lamb

Lila is Kate's favorite stuffed animal.(P.S. Lila is a Lamb) She received Lila for her first birthday from my good friend from high school- Sarah and her daughter Lila. Kate's Lila is like her little baby, she loves to carry her around the house, swing her in the baby swing, rock her in her rocking chair and feed her sometimes. When Kate goes to bed she needs her binkie and her Lila. Lila was probably one of the first words Kate said well and that we all understood. Lila has been misplaced a couple of times but has always managed to show up again, which we are very grateful for. Kate is so sweet and motherly with Lila. She treats Lila with the sweetest most loving manner, it just makes your heart ache - it is so adorable. I can only pray that I will be able to remember how special Lila was to Kate, and how cute Kate was when she loved her sweet Lila.

So Cool I got to wear shades

Nicklas has been asking me to buy him some sunglasses for the last month. So yesterday Kate, Nick, and I headed off to the mall to go buy him some sunglasses. We went to The Children's Place and boy did they have some adorable ones and for pretty cheap also. They each pick out a pair in a surprisingly decent amount of time. Nick was very happy about it and I quickly moved to the top of his list for the next five or ten minutes. I must say though that they both look absolutely priceless in them.

My Little Undresser

Kate has started a new phase where she likes to undress herself. I have currently been putting her clothes back on her up to four times a day. I tell her not to do it but she just says "no" and does it anyway. She thinks it is very amusing and she is very proud of how good she is at it. She has a heck of a time getting the shirt off sometimes but lucky for me she leaves the diaper on. She is so cute and we just love watching her daily shenanigans.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Kate and her Adventures

The last couple of days have brought quite some adventures with Kate. She is getting into everything lately.

Yesterday morning as I was getting ready for the day Kate went into the boys old bedroom, which will soon be my scrapbook room, and shut the door. While in there she got into my ink pads and stamps. A couple of the ink pads are sticks and she proceeded to put it on like lipstick.. It was very lovely- green and yellow. Unfortunately for all of us I failed to take a picture due to the fact I was more worried about cleaning it up off of her and the carpet. Never the less it was a very funny incident. And boy did she pull a great pouty face when I came in and she knew she did something wrong.

The other funny incident happened day before yesterday. Kate climbed up on the bathroom counter when no one was around and decided to do her own hair. When I found her she had managed to put what looked like about a half cup of gel in her hair. ( Just a reminder Kate's hair is rather fine.) Because we were just leaving to go run a couple errands while Nick was at preschool I quickly blew it dry and curled up the ends.. She looked adorable aside from the fact her hair looked like a grease mop. By the end of the day it was rather crusty also. Again I failed to get a photo of it but I won't forget it next time.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Alex's Baseball Game

Yesterday Alex had a baseball game against the Yankees. (By the way Alex is on the Cardinals. He looks mighty sharp in his uniform.) He was not looking forward to playing the Yankees because his friend Stockton told him they are really good. I didn't get to go to the game but he told me all about it when he got home. He got to second base both times up. He got hit by the ball once to walk to first, and then he got four balls and sent to first. He was very excited about it. His dad said he had some awesome field plays and he got to play second base for the first time. It was very exciting. Go Alex.

Kate's New Shoes

Yesterday Kate finally got to wear a pair of cute shoes I bought about 2 months ago. She has been in a size 4 shoe for about 9 or 10 months now and I have been wanting her to fit in a 5 so I could buy her cuter shoes. Anyhow, yesterday we tried on the new shoes and they fit O.K. ( still a tad bit big) and she wanted to wear them. We drove over to the elementary school to pick up Alex and his friends, while we were waiting this is the conversation we had about the shoes.

Kate: Bubber.

Me: You see a Butterfly on your shoe.

Kate: Yeah. Pink!

Me: The butterfly is pink. Do you like your new shoes.

Kate: Pretty!!!

Is she so girly or what... Probably doesn't do the story justice, but a story I would like to remember all the same.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Three Blessings

As I begin the world of blogging I thought I would reflect on my children and what true blessings they are.

Alex is my oldest, my first born, my best buddy. He loves everyone and makes friends with the greatest of ease. He is a blessing to our family in so many ways. He loves his brother and sister. He tries to be an example to both of them and for that I am so proud of him. He is smart and tries hard at anything he chooses to do.

Nicklas is a typical middle child I believe. He can be so loving and then so difficult all in the same minute. He is adorable and talks so cute, and of course because he is four he knows everything. I love my time alone with him when I can make him feel special. I know he loves it to, because he is always good when we are alone. He loves to play and has a wonderful imagination. He is a fun and loving little guy.

Kate is my sweet, lovable girl. She has a smile to light up the room and, like Alex, seems to love everyone. I adore her because what mom doesn't want a little girl in her life to love and cuddle with. I have a feeling though that she may be a tomboy with her brothers spurring her on. She is adored by her brothers and they know she adores them also.

I am not always so sure I was meant to be a mom, I am short on all the things that make moms great, like patience, and a love of messiness. Not me. I do know that I would not trade being a mother for anything and with any luck and a little guidance I can only pray my kids will turn out O.K.