Monday, May 24, 2010

My Sweet Daughter!

I had one of the sweetest conversations ever with my precious Kate the other night, I decided immediately that I must write it down so I would never forget it.

The conversation began as I was getting Kate out of the bath and continued as we got her ready for bed!

Kate: "One day I won't live her with you! Huh!"

Mom: "No. When you grow up you'll have your own home, and so will Nick and Alex."

Kate: "I'm going to miss you because I really, really, really, love you!"

Mom: " And I really love you. I'm going to miss you too, but I can visit you and you can visit me. And when you have babies I'll come over and help you!"

Kate: (with the happiest face ever) "I'm going to have babies?"

Mom: " If you want to!"

Kate: "Maybe I can live by you, like Mya use to live by me." (Mya is her friend that lived next door)

Mom: " That would be nice!"

Kate: "Maybe on Sundays we could bring cake over."

Mom: "Yes. And maybe you could invite me to dinner like we do Grandma and Grandpa."

Kate: "And you can make dinner for me."

Mom: "That would be nice too!."

All during this exchange Kate jumped onto my lap at least two or three times and threw her arms around my neck, gave me her very best Kate hug and said, "I really, really, really, love you!"

Its moments like these that remind me why I LOVE being a mother. It also reminds me that being a mother really is the best job in the whole wide world.

Nick's Kindergarten Program!

Handsome Boy!!

The annual Kindergarten Program was on Friday and it was adorable. Those kindergartners are so cute and talk so cute. Nick was toward the end of the program. The program was about things they could be when they grow up, and how school helps prepare them. They had jobs from A to Z and Nick's was the letter Z. His line was "Z. When I grow up, know what I want to do? Take care of animals at the zoo."
Grandma and Grandpa came and enjoyed the performance with Kate, Bryan and I.
Great job Nick! I loved how great you sang the songs! Love you!

Nick's First Lost Tooth!

Last Thursday, May 20th- Nicklas lost his first tooth. It was so exciting you would have thought the it was Christmas. I have never seen a kid so excited about a lost tooth. Nick has been wondering the entire school year when he would lose his first tooth, asking me when I thought he would lose a tooth, imagining that he had a loose tooth. Kids in his class seemed to be loosing teeth left and right. He had he bottom two, middle teeth start coming in behind the baby teeth about 4 weeks ago. Luckily we had a dentist appointment that week in which the dentist said, "the baby teeth are loose, just work on them and they should come out." Four weeks later with lots of work, Dad yanked that tooth out for Nicklas and made the boy happy as could be. The next morning Nick said to me, " This is going to be a great day! I lost a tooth, the tooth fairy brought me money and now I get to go have my Kindergarten Program!"
Congrats Nick!. First Tooth! Can't wait for the other one to come out.

Alex's Soccer Season!!

Alex's soccer season has come to an end. It has been a hard fought season with more losses than wins but I am so proud of him. Alex has had the greatest attitude this soccer season- both on the soccer field and at home. After the games whether win or lose- he wears a smile on his face. He is the first one to comment on what a great play Daimon or Josh made. He asks us if we saw certain plays he made. I have loved it. On practice days, he doesn't even care he doesn't have time to play between homework and practice.

Alex has always enjoyed sports- that being ALL sport! This spring is the first glimpse of him possibly sticking with one, and then playing others when he can fit them in. I finally see him being passionate about one sport - not five. It's really exciting!
Alex plays defender on his team and he has really learned how to play his position well over the last year. The kid is aggressive and he plays hard, even when the kid is much bigger than him. He can catch just about anybody and get in his way or kick the ball away. He's had some awesome headers this season also. It has been a blast watching him play this season and I can't wait for Fall Soccer to start.

Alex and his friend Daimon got to be the captains at this game.
It was exciting, and it was one of the games they won!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Kate the Little Tree Climber!!

Invincible Kate thinks she can climb trees now.. She tells me she is very careful and she isn't going to fall, but mom is not as confident and just about had a heart attack when she looked out her bedroom window to see Kate about halfway up the tree for the first time. I asked her how she got up there, to which I was informed that Ella (her adorable friend) gave her a boost. How very nice of her! No matter how much Bryan and I tell her that is dangerous she insists that she is very careful and she will not fall. Good to know don't you think!! If only we could all be so confident as a 4 yr. old.

Kate about midway up the tree, looking mighty, mighty happy!
Ella and Kate- how precious is that!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Jam Glorious Jam!!

I know! I know! You are all thinking I am crazy blogging about my jam, but I have to because I absolutely love it. Believe me- once you can your own jam you can never return to the horrible jam they sell at the store, there is absolutely no comparison. I am grateful to have a wonderful canning friend (along with our two wonderful husbands, who so willingly assist) who makes it so much fun. Thanks Michele!!
This year we canned an obscene amount of jam- over 60 jars, but I needed to make enough to supply my sweet mom and dad with a years supply also. Yes, they absolutely love it also and it is my own fault for getting them hooked on it in the first place. My mom likes to tease me about how domestic I am compared to her (Cooking and canning not her thing) , but it is because of her I am willing to try new things that at first seem difficult but then turn out to be fun and rewarding all at once. So thanks mom!
I enjoy my jam almost daily with my fix of peanut butter and enjoy the little reminder of childhood it gives me. So cheers to homemade jam- it is the very best!

Friday, May 7, 2010

It's a Birdcracker?

Bryan came home from Nicklas' soccer practice earlier this week with the cutest Kate story.

Kate came up to Bryan with this little stick she had found in the grass. The stick had two little holes in it and Bryan asked her who she thought made those holes in the stick.
Kate replied, "maybe a Birdcracker?"
Bryan was thinking what in the world is a birdcracker, finally he thought maybe she meant a woodpecker, so her asked her.
Kate said, "Yeah. A Woodpecker!"

I can just picture Kate's little face during this discussion and it just brings a smile to mine!